

Warsaw. Procidis has appointed Elc Brands as their Polish licensing agent for its well-known edutainment saga Once upon a time... (7 x 26 x 26'), soon to be enriched with an eighth series, encompassed with the licensed products under the umbrella brand Hello Maestro !


Procidis is an independent French production company, pioneer in edutainment animation with strong bonds in Poland from its very first days. The story began with huge international success of the pre-school series The Adventures of Colargol. Then with the seven-series saga hit Once upon a time... Man, Space, Life, the Americas, the Discoverers, the Explorers and Planet Earth, with the famous and beloved Maestro! The series have been restored and broadcasted for more than 40 years in many countries up until now!


In a brand new 2024 series Once Upon a Time…The Objects (78 x 7'), Maestro will reveal what is behind every object around us, which is the fruit of a long process and has its own history full of human adventures, all by visiting various fields of knowledge (History, Geography, Physics, Natural Science, Philosophy…) and discovering how they've played a role in the History of Humanity.



The saga flourishes on all media: TV channels, platforms, merchandising, promotion, audio and digital developments...To date, 40 licensees are on board with games, figurines, publishing, DVD, music, audio stories, digital games... Licensed products have been available in Poland since 2006. More than 240 000 board games have been already sold!



We are very excited to announce this brand new collaboration!


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